Indico upgraded to version 3.3.5
Indico has been upgraded to "latest and greatest" version 3.3.5
Indico Administration Team
Maintenance window
We want to make you aware that today Thursday January 30th and tomorrow Friday January 31st 2025, we will be performing upgrade of Indico service.
Service itself may be inaccessible for short periods.
We appreciate your patience and understanding.
Indico Administration Team
Zoom is now available in Indico
A new videoconference tool enables creation of a Zoom video room from inside Indico, or to link to an existing Zoom video room. This feature is only available to Chalmers University staff that have enabled their Zoom videoconference profile.
This feature is only available for users. who are authorized to create events. Please contact or for extending permissions on your account for the Zoom plugin.
Please consult the documention for more information,
Best regards
Indico Administrators